Welcome to CaliforniaRealtyClassifieds.com
California Realty Classifieds provides Residential, Commercial, and Agricultural Real Estate Classified Advertising throughout all 58 California Counties.
This site is a service of James V Cardoza of Fresno, operator of James Cardoza Photography (Drone Photography and Real Estate Photography Service) and Real Estate Buyer Services.
All basic ads in all categories are FREE and run for 90 days. 30 day "Featured Ad" upgrades cost just $19.95 per ad.



For best results, when posting a listing include the city name and zip code in the "Advertisement Title", and when searching, include the city name or zip code in the "Advertisement Title" search field.

No. In the spirit of complying with the proposed National Association of Realtors settlement and the wishes of the U.S. Department of Justice to decouple seller's agent and buyer's agent commissions (so that each party is responsible for paying his or her own agent's commission / fees), the posting of cooperating broker commissions (buyer agent commission offers from sellers or agents representing sellers, directly or as "concessions" is NOT permitted on this website. If you discover an advertisement that violates this policy, please flag it for possible removal.